

彰化 高中數學補習班發問:

這篇是摘自GERTZ v. ROBERT WELCH,INC.好像是在講言論自由的case,我需要翻譯的部分為以下段落,我英文不太行 ,雖單字都查了,但整段意思還是翻不出來(因涉及法律概念),遂請法律界的能人賢士幫忙解惑一下! V. Notwithstanding our refusal to extend the New York Times privilege to defamation of private individuals, respondent contends that we should affirm the judgment below on the ground that... 顯示更多 這篇是摘自GERTZ v. ROBERT WELCH,INC.好像是在講言論自由的case,我需要翻譯的部分為以下段落,我英文不太行 ,雖單字都查了,但整段意思還是翻不出來(因涉及法律概念),遂請法律界的能人賢士幫忙解惑一下! V. Notwithstanding our refusal to extend the New York Times privilege to defamation of private individuals, respondent contends that we should affirm the judgment below on the ground that petitioner is [a] public figure.[That]designation may rest on either of two alternative bases.In some instances an individual may achieve such pervasive fame or notoriety that he becomes a public figure for all purposes and in all contexts.More commonly,an individual voluntarily injects himself or is drawn into a particular public controversy and thereby becomes a public figure for a limited range of issues. In either case such persons assume special prominence in the resolution of public questions.


親愛的版主:法律文件翻譯的確困難,我儘量把原意翻得讓人看得懂,但是結果還是很拗口不。過意思大致是:媒體對公眾人物的批評,是不構成毀謗罪的。而所謂公眾人物,有主動和被動兩種。主動是因自己的行為所導致的好的或壞的名聲,被動是自己對號入座自願成為公眾爭議的當事人。 譯文: 五、儘管我方拒絕給予紐約時報延續其詆毀個人的權利,但是被告聲稱必須證明原告具備公眾人物的資格。公眾人物必須的認定必須基於兩種選擇。在某些案例中,某一個人可能獲致普遍性的名聲或惡名,他就在所有的目的與背景下被視為一名公眾人物。更普遍的情況是,某些個人自願地或在不反對的情況下讓自己涉入公眾爭論的議題中,因而也成為在限定範圍的議題裡的公眾人物。在上述兩種情況中的任何一種,這些個人在公共問題的決定前提下,都具備了獨特的聲望。



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